Leala Ring - Gold



How to wear? 
Mimi et Toi jewellery is made to go with everything so that they can be worn every day. We love layering and combining as many pieces as possible. 


Size coral detail: 8 mm / 0,31 inch. 

18K Gold Plated Brass. 
As corals are natural products, colour, size and shape may vary. 

Care Instructions 

To make sure you can enjoy your Mimi et Toi jewellery to the utmost, there are some care instructions you should read first. 

This is important, because these pieces are delicate. 

Avoid direct contact with water (salt or fresh), excessive perspiration and chemicals. Avoid your jewellery coming into contact with perfume or perfumed lotions. Excessive light, heat or moisture will deteriorate the quality of plating on the metal. 

To clean gold plated jewellery wipe lightly your gold plated piece with a cotton cloth.